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Garageband 4 Keyboard shortcuts, volume 002
Use these keyboard shortcuts to play, navigate, and edit in GarageBand 4.
Action Shortcut

Lock and unlock your track with l

Playback and Navigation
Start or stop playback Space bar
Go to beginning Return or Z or Home
Go to end Option-Z or End
Move back one measure Left arrow
Move forward one measure Right arrow
Move back the visible width of the timeline Page up
Move forward the visible width of the
Page down
Zoom out Control-Left arrow
Zoom in Control-Right arrow
Create a new track Command-Option-N
Create a new Basic track Command-Shift-N
Duplicate the selected track Command-D
Delete the selected track Command-Delete
Select the next higher track Up arrow
Select the next lower track Down arrow
Mute/Unmute the selected track M
Solo/Unsolo the selected track S
Show/Hide the track's volume and pan curves A
Show/Hide the master track Command-B
Show/Hide the podcast track Command-Shift-B
Show/Hide the video track Command-Option-B
Track Info pane
Show/Hide the Track Info pane Command-I
Select the next higher category or instrument Up arrow
Select the next lower category or instrument Down arrow
Move from instrument list to category list Left arrow
Move from category list to instrument list Right arrow
Editing and Arranging
Undo Command-Z
Redo Command-Shift-Z
Cut Command-X
Copy Command-C
Paste Command-V
Delete Delete
Select all Command-A
Split selected region Command-T
Join selected regions Command-J
Snap to grid Command-G
Enable/Disable ducking Command-Shift-F
Start or stop recording R
Turn the cycle region on/off C
Turn the metronome on/off Command-U
Turn count in on/off Command-Shift-U
Show/Hide instrument tuner Command-F
Notation View
Move selected notes to previous grid position Left arrow
Move selected notes to next grid position Right arrow
Move selected notes back one measure Shift-Left arrow
Move selected notes forward one measure Shift-Right arrow
Transpose selected notes up one semitone Up arrow
Transpose selected notes down one semitone Down arrow
Transpose selected notes up one octave Shift-Up arrow
Transpose selected notes down one octave Shift-Down arrow
Adjusting Master Volume
Raise master volume Command-Up arrow
Lower master volume Command-Down arrow
Showing Windows and Editors
Show track mixer Command-Y
Show Track Info pane Command-I
Show editor Command-E
Show loop browser Command-L
Show/Hide Media Browser Command-R
Show onscreen keyboard Command-K
Show Musical Typing window Command-Shift-K
File menu commands
Create new project Command-N
Open an existing project Command-O
Close the current project Command-W
Save the current project Command-S
Save As Command-Shift-S
Application menu commands
Show/Hide GarageBand Preferences Command-comma (,)
Hide GarageBand Command-H
Hide other applications Command-Option-H
Quit GarageBand Command-Q
Help menu commands
Open GarageBand Help Command-question mark (?)


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